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Advanced Industrial & Manufacturing College Programs

Widom Associates

Steve Widom, senior solutions engineer and CTO for Widom Associates, is proud to be the instructor for the advanced industrial and manufacturing programs at LaGuardia Community College. With his 40+ years of teaching and consulting, he is able to bring tremendous value to the students in these courses. Below are the courses offered at LaGuardia, taught by Steve Widom.

Principles of Supervision:

Explore how management and employees relate to one another in the industrial workplace and get tips on how to form productive employment relationships. You will focus on the supervisor’s tasks and challenges within your specific industry to improve your communication, leadership and organizational skills. Course highlights include employer site visits, industry guest speakers, and an employer panel event covering how to advance in the workplace.

Autodesk Fusion 360 User Certification Prep - 3D Digital Prototyping:

Increase your 3D design career opportunities by preparing for the Autodesk Fusion 360 User Certification exam. You will learn the basics of 2D drawing and 3D modeling using the new Autodesk Fusion 360 prototyping software. You’ll also explore Fusion’s advanced features, such as cloud based group collaboration and Computer Aided Machining (CAM) to create and print 3D models. Tuition includes a one-year Autodesk Fusion 360 educational software license. Certification exam fee is not included. This course is intended for students with basic knowledge of 2D modeling software. Prerequisite: Introduction to AutoCAD A05CMP105A or equivalent experience as demonstrated by an entrance exam.

Autodesk Inventor Professional User Certification Prep - 3D Industrial Design:

Advance your 3D industrial design career by preparing for the nationally recognized Autodesk Inventor® User Certification exam. Learn the digital design skills necessary to begin working in industrial design and explore how to create 2D and 3D models of industrial and mechanical parts utilizing Autodesk Inventor Professional software. You will also study Autodesk Inventor’s advanced part and assembly design features. Tuition includes a one-year AutoDesk Inventor Professional educational software license. Certification exam fee is not included. This course is intended for students with basic knowledge of 2D modeling. Prerequisite: Introduction to AutoCAD A05CMP105A or equivalent experience as demonstrated by an entrance exam.

Solidworks Bootcamp:

Explore the Industrial Design process by learning Solidworks software, an industry standard for creating 3D digital designs. You will practice using 3D printers in LaGuardia’s NYDesigns Fabrication Lab. Course fees include a one-month subscription to the NYDesigns Fabrication Lab. Solidworks educational license is not included.

Solidworks Associate Certification - 3D Mechanical Design:

Launch or advance your design career by earning a Certified Solidworks Associate (CSWA) credential and become skilled in this industry leading software. Use Solidworks 2D and 3D mechanical design automation software to make drawings and build models of parts and assemblies. Tuition includes a one-year Solidworks educational software license and one certification exam fee. This course is intended for students with basic knowledge of 2D modeling. Prerequisite: Introduction to AutoCAD A05CMP105A or equivalent experience as demonstrated by an entrance exam.

Instructor Biography Steve Widom:

Senior solutions engineer and CTO for Widom Associates, an AutoDesk consulting value added re-seller in Northport, New York. He has trained in AutoDesk software since 1984 in the fabrication, manufacturing and architectural fields as a trainer, consultant and application expert. He has over 40 years of teaching/consulting experience.

Employment Partners Include:

If you are interested in joining a course, please visit the website here to inquire.

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